Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Outdoor Lighting Transformers

Outdoor lighting transformers allow for the creation and installation of low voltage lighting systems. They efficiently and safely convert line voltage (120V current) to low voltage (12V current. By reducing power consumption in this and they reduce electrical usage and subsequently help generate reduced power costs, outdoor lighting transformers eliminate the risk of electrical shock to children and pets, manner. Outdoor lighting transformers are a favored accessory applauded by residential and commercial clients alike because they allow lighting systems to stay on all night and automatically shut lighting systems off when the sun rises.

When looking through our impressive selection today, pay careful attention to a number of key features that distinguish Residential Landscape Lighting’s outdoor transformers as superior, commercial grade units capable of powering any lighting system designed for commercial or residential outdoor lighting. Our selection of outdoor lighting transformers consists primarily of magnetic devices. Magnetic units are adequate for tasks where the actual size of the transformer does not have to exactly correlate to the wattage of the fixtures being used. Because many RLLD clients are landscaping and lighting design companies seeking equipment with which to serve their clientele, we categorize our inventory by wattage capacity to make purchasing a quick and simple process. Residential clients looking to light their own home landscapes can determine the required wattage in their order by following the same simple rule of thumb that commercial clients of RLLD follow in choosing transformers for outdoor lighting.

The transformer’s wattage should total the sum of the wattage of all attached fixtures and accessories. We have several outdoor lighting transformers designed for both new systems and retrofitted upgrades to existing systems. Many of these outdoor transformers control lighting systems with photometric timers. These timers sense when dawn begins to break and power off the landscape lights as a result. To protect vital components from elemental and rain-tight enclosures to ensure a long life and to operate safely at high temperatures, outdoor lighting transformers are also made from very durable materials such as heavy extruded aluminum housing, forces. Only in the case of certain decorative pieces like outdoor wall sconces and hanging outdoor pendant lanterns does one need the more advanced capabilities of electronic outdoor lighting transformer.

RLLD has a growing selection of these models, and they represent the cutting edge of transformer technology in the world of outdoor lighting. They combine housings that are high temperature rated in lightweight and compact designs. They also work equally well in new or retrofit applications and manufactured with electronic short circuit and overload protection built into their designs. They are moisture and shock resistant too, and they consistently perform at 95% efficiency regardless of surrounding weather conditions. Virtually any business or individual benefits receives many great benefits from a complete or hybrid low voltage outdoor lighting system. “Pure” line voltage systems are usually only necessary for exceptionally bright lighting such as that found in commercial security support. Low voltage systems actually provide superior decorative light in many cases because they are less intense.

The opportunity for special effects and layered lighting techniques increases dramatically if one installs a low voltage outdoor lighting system or a transformer that adds a low voltage segment to an existing landscape design. It is never a bad thing for any business or individual to save money with such a conversion to low voltage lighting. Investing in a low voltage lighting system can accrue immediate savings on every subsequent power bill. In some parts of the country as well, certain businesses in remote or environmentally sensitive areas are governed by strict environmental laws regarding pollution and hazards to wildlife. Having a low voltage lighting system that will not harm animals can conceivably prevent penalties and liabilities, and even help a company’s public relations. Some commercial insurance providers may also be willing to adjust rates favorably for clients on the basis that outdoor lighting transformers and low voltage outdoor lights represents a very significant and reliable reduction of fire hazard.

RLLD does not guarantee but we do recommend at least looking into the possibility, of course, this.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

5 Things You Need To Know When Buying A Used Harley Davidson

If you are a motorcycle enthusiast of any kind you have probably thought about buying a Harley Davidson at some point in time. The the ride all seem alluring to those of us who like it on two wheels, the power, sound. One option when purchasing a Harley is to go with a used bike.

Most Harley owners maintain their bikes better than their cars so buying into the used market is a pretty safe bet unlike other makes or brands. Harley owners have a lot of pride in their bikes. So when you go to buy a used motorcycle and in this case a Harley here are the top things you need to consider to make it a good sale and a good ride for you. One of the biggest advantages of buying a used Harley is that more than likely it will already be somewhat customized. The basic truth is that most stock bikes off the factory are not that great looking. So most Harley owners right away go and add lots of a backrest and sometimes a windshield or saddlebags, maybe a new seat, chrome.

Now if you bought a new bike and then went and purchased all of these nice and fancy accessories it might run you ton of bucks. Not to mention you have to have them installed or spend lots of time doing it yourself. Then you will find that many a used bike has had a custom paint job done to it which can drive the price up as well. A key factor in deciding to go used is that the average Harley Davidson maintains its value well, but if you buy a brand-new bike you will find it depreciates quite a bit the first year. This is just like any new car you might buy. So now we have three good reasons why buying a used bike are a good idea for you.

How about some more? When checking out a used Harley over at the seller's house or place of business you will want to give it a close look over to make sure it has not been in an accident or dropped. Some of the key things to look for when inspecting the bike are new brake or clutch grips, mirrors or foot pegs. This could be a warning sign that the bike has been dropped, since these are the first to get damaged. Man have I had that happen to me. Back in the days of my first bikes this was all too common.

Now with big bikes I am not dropping them if I can help it at all. Ask the seller in some detail why he wants to sell the bike. It never hurts to have a conversation to determine just what the motivation is for the seller. With the way the economy is today, a lot of people are selling for financial reasons. Harley owners are in most cases the house payment usually wins, but if it comes down to the House or the bike, dedicated. You can help a fellow Harley owner out by buying his bike and you will also be getting a great deal below market value.

Make it a conversation and not an inquisition. Get into their love for the bike and find out if it is hardship, upgrading or what that is motivating them to sell. By being interested in their story you might even turn things in your favor when it comes time to nail down a price. In these days of vast shopping and research options on the internet, shopping for a used Harley online is the easiest way to find a good deal. Online auctions are a good source. Be sure and read the description carefully and don't hesitate to ask for more pictures from the seller.

If you need close-ups of anything be sure and say so. Most sellers are happy to send you more photographs. If you purchased your used Harley online then you will need to arrange for shipping at a reasonable price. Some of the online motor vehicle auction sites like eBay will give you a quote before you make your purchase. It will always pay to do your research no matter whether you are looking for your bike online or across town. Be take a test ride if you can and most of all, ask questions, thorough, be diligent and honest in your transaction with the seller.

Then once you get that used Harley Davidson home you can make it your pride and joy. And don't forget the insurance and helmet if you live in a helmet law state.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

Pet Travel Goes Fashionably Portable

Pet Travel
Pet Travel
Pet Travel
Pet Travel
Pet Travel
Pet Strollers
Pet Strollers
Pet Strollers
Pet Strollers
Pet Strollers

Our pets are pampered like never before. From gourmet food to medical insurance, we treat our pets like members of the family. Many of us like to share our personal tastes with our precious pets.

Moreover, like members of the family we love to take them along on trips long and short. New and stylish ways to tote our friends to the store or down the bike path are popping up everywhere. High end designers are getting into the act with luxurious accessories and travel wear that includes coats, booties and even house slippers. One of my favorite products is the pet stroller. Very similar to the strollers designed for human infants and toddlers, pet strollers are available for animals of up to seventy five pounds. With sunscreen covers and mesh windows for safe and secure, your canine companion is tethered in the stroller, ventilation.

The first time I saw of these strollers on the street, I thought the occupant was a child and was I surprised. It turned out that the riders were two beagle puppies both fast asleep while their human did some window shopping. With health conscious baby boomers spending more time outdoors, jogging lanes and bike paths have become a staple in many communities. Again taking a page from products designed for babies and young children, the pet industry has jumped on the band wagon. A popular option for joggers who want to take their pets along for the ride are doggie joggers. The dog joggers look every bit like the jogging strollers for human kids.

Like the walking strollers for with plenty of ventilation keeping your pet safely inside, they are enclosed, pets. Yes, there are strollers for cats and other pets too. Bicycle riders are not left out when it comes to transporting furry friends. Tow behind strollers let pet owners get their exercise while their pet rides safely along in the rear. For those bikers who prefer to let their pets ride in front, handlebar baskets are a great choice. A throwback to when bicycles served as a primary means of transportation, the pet basket mounts of the handlebars.

Some models are plain while others are padded affairs with halters that keep your pet safely inside while they go along for the ride. Toy dog breeds are gaining in popularity and many owners appreciate their small size. It is not uncommon to see owners carrying their companions around town. An alternative to carrying your pet are carry totes designed especially for animals. Ranging from the stylish and chic to the tote bags and backpacks, there are front packs, practical.

The totes I have looked at all appear to be designed with your pets comfort in mind. For the rich and famous among us, designer pet totes sometimes rival the most stylish handbags. Pampered pooches from Manhattan to Hollywood can be seen in Gucci and Louis Vuitton bags. For those owners who prefer that their pet pal walk along, there are even designer bags that the dog can wear as an accessory. Designer bags for your Bichon and totes for your terrier can be had for a price. Even pet leashes have gone high end.

Owners who are not satisfied with just any old leash can find unique and on of a kind tethers. Fashionable leashes are widely available with many sporting vibrant decorator colors. Custom made leashes may reflect a favorite theme and some are encrusted with costume jewelry. Just add a matching collar and your pet can make the scene sporting bling that is fit for a four legged king or queen.

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Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Consequences of Being Fat

Weight Loss
Weight Loss
Weight Loss
Weight Loss
Weight Loss
Lose Weight
Lose Weight
Lose Weight
Lose Weight
Lose Weight

It is truly amazing how much information is thrown at Americans on a daily basis about nutrition and exercise - nightly newscasts, magazines, newspapers, websites, e-mails. You would think with all of the eating and workout information available to Americans today that we would be a very healthy collective society - yet almost three out of every four American people are fat! Are people just ignoring what they hear?

Too stupid to understand? Too lazy to care? My suspicion is that we as a society are simply overloaded with bad information. Let's be realistic - parking farther away from the entrance to your work building or the shopping mall will NOT help you lose weight. You would need to walk to Arizona - from New York - to burn off the burger, fries and soda you stuffed down for lunch.

I also think that Americans fall victim to a "not me" attitude when it comes to fitness - or should I say fatness. You may wake up in the morning and feel pretty good. Maybe your clothes are a little tight, but that is nothing that a trip to the mall can't fix. You never get sick. In general, you feel pretty good so there is really no need to worry about the fact that you are carrying around too much fat.

Your wife or partner still loves you "for who you are", so why put in the effort? Because that significant amount of fat is killing you. literally. If you were like me, you skipped your yearly check-up with the doctor because you were a) in your late twenties and virtually indestructible or b) knew he/she was going to tell you that you need to lose weight. Thanks Doctor Obvious! Here's the problem with that scenario. First, fat and obese people have increased risk of: - High blood pressure- Osteoarthritis- High cholesterol/triglycerides- Type 2 diabetes- Coronary heart disease- Stroke- Gallbladder disease- Sleep apnea and other breathing problems- Some cancers (such as and colon, breast, endometrial) or hold much hope for, hundreds of studies have shown that the medical community does not look highly on, Second, the obese.

The negative attitudes and reluctance of lead to the hesitation of the obese to seek medical care, combined with the negative body image and embarrassment of an obese person, physicians. In pap smears, who need preventive screenings such as breast and pelvic exams, women, etc. this is especially troubling. By not getting the preventive services offered by medical professionals, the obese are putting themselves even more at risk than they currently are. Perhaps just as concerning are the social consequences of being fat. Studies have shown that bias against fat people is already formed in children 8 years old!

Obesity has linked to higher incidences of: - Poor grades in school- Denial of jobs and promotions- Lower wages for the same job duties- Loss of opportunity to adopt children- Higher insurance premiums for the same benefits- Public humiliation (such as teachers weighing children in front of the class and announcing their weight) - Firing or pressure to resign- Rejection from college- Less financial support for college (even from their own parents! ) - Expulsion from school (nursing student) - Discrimination in apartment rentals- Price discrimination (Southwest Airlines requires fat people to purchase a second seat). The National Education Association has gone on record as saying "for fat unnoticed discrimination, the school experience is one of ongoing prejudice, students, and almost constant harassment" and that "from nursery school through discouragement, fat students experience ostracism, college, and sometimes violence. "Believe it or not, you haven't read the worst yet. Let's try the general perceptions of fat people that have been very well documented across several studies. Non-obese people associate the following characteristics and qualities with obese people: - Lacking self-discipline- Low supervisory potential- Poor personal hygiene/professional appearance- Sloppy- Less productive- Less ambitious- Less determined- Lazy- Less conscientious- Less competent- Disagreeable- Emotionally unstable- Slower mentally- Poorer attendance records at work and school- Poor role models- Non-compliant- Hostile- Dishonest- Lack of persistence in the face of adversity- Low achievers- Have family problems- Lack willpower- Compensating for lack of love or attention- Unintelligent- Worthless- Unpleasant- Ugly- Awkward- Repulsive- Sexually unskilled (! ) - Undesirable marriage partnersAre you infuriated yet? One study of teachers. educated people. people who shape the futures of our children. in that study 28% of responders said that becoming obese is the worst thing that can happen to a person. So, I have to ask. why would anyone voluntarily put themselves in a class of people who are so biased against and perceived so poorly?

Of the people who really do have a thyroid problem, I am not talking about the extremely small percentage of people who have medical conditions that cause obesity - for example, course, not the ones who use it as an excuse. I am talking about the ones who willingly continue to eat themselves into bias and discrimination - the people who, according to Dr. Kenneth Walker in his nationally syndicated newspaper column, should be "locked up in prison camps". It has been said over and over again. obese people are the last acceptable targets of discrimination! Are you sufficiently fired up to make an honest effort to lose fat?

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Bank On It: Consumers Discover the Convenience of Online Banking

American Momentum Bank
American Momentum Bank
American Momentum Bank
American Momentum Bank
American Momentum Bank
Online Banking
Online Banking
Online Banking
Online Banking
Online Banking

According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the Internet offers a safe and convenient way to shop for financial services as well as conduct banking business from the comforts of home. The challenge for many mature lies in understanding that online banking allows bank clients to bypass time-consuming aspects of traditional banking and offers an efficient approach to money management, however, adults. Beginnings of Banking OnlineWhile powerful computer and automated networks are not new to the banking industry, the growth of the Internet in the last decade has presented exciting new ways for banks to provide services to their clients at a whole new level.

For years, financial institutions conducted millions of automated daily transactions. banks realized the advantage of adapting similar internal electronic processes for personal home use, as more bank clients became connected to the Internet, However. The move has provided economic advantages as banks have been able to eliminate costly paper handling and teller transactions while at the same time providing a "value added" tool to attract and retain clients. Online electronic banking, also referred to as Internet banking, banking, home has sometimes been met with hesitation or suspicion, and PC banking, banking, leaving banks with the challenge of designing this service in a way that their clients will readily learn to use and trust it. Having spent generations earning the trust of their clientele base, banks are not about to risk that on a Web site that is confusing or less than secure. In the last several years, great gains have been made in terms of security and protecting the identity of the user (bank client). Banks realized the necessity in designing sites which are easy to understand.

This has helped mature adults become more comfortable with the use of online banking. Today, its use is becoming as commonplace as automated teller machines. Online AdvantagesOnline banking provides many advantages. For instance, the next banking transaction is always just a mouse click away. Online banking is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

This is especially attractive for retired individuals who travel frequently or "snowbirds" who head to warmer climates during part of the year. With a personal computer and Internet day or night, the client has instant accessibility to their accounts, connection. Transaction speeds of online bank sites are typically processed and confirmed at or quicker than ATM speeds. Perhaps most appealing of all, online banking features a level of unparalleled efficiency. Clients can not only access and manage their bank accounts they can also manage and securities from one site, CDs, IRAs. But is it safe? Every bank client wants to be assured that their personal information and transactions are secure.

Begin by examining the bank's site for information about its security practices, or speak directly to a bank associate. Bank Web sites use encryption to protect their clients' sensitive information. This process scrambles private information to prevent unauthorized access. A small icon usually at the bottom of the screen that resembles a "lock" or "key" demonstrates that the site and its information are secure. In addition, bank sites will require a personal identification number (PIN). When a client accesses their accounts online, they receive a password prompt. For the most secure password or PIN avoid using birthdates, number or words that can be easily guessed by others.

Virus protection installed on a personal computer provides another necessary layer of protection. should be used and updated regularly, along with physical access controls, This. As an added clients should print a receipt and keep it with bank records until it is recorded on the client, when completing a transaction, security's personal site and/or a bank statement. It goes without saying, clients should always verify a bank's insurance status, especially when conducting business with a new bank. Look for the familiar FDIC logo or the words "Member FDIC" or "FDIC Insured" on the Web site. It's also important to know that some banks operating on the Internet are not insured by the FDIC, such as those chartered overseas.

Any consumer who chooses to bank with this type of bank should be aware that the FDIC may not insure deposits. Using new technology can sometimes be intimidating so it may be necessary to invest some time in a tutorial before becoming comfortable in a virtual lobby. While online banking is unlike the banking world mature adults grew up in, it represents the next wave of convenient and efficient banking - and that's something from which anyone can benefit, no matter the age.

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do Not Wait Until It Is Too Late! Set up a Durable Power of Attorney While You Still Can

Power Of Attorney
Power Of Attorney
Power Of Attorney
Power Of Attorney
Power Of Attorney
Durable Power Of Attorney
Durable Power Of Attorney
Durable Power Of Attorney
Durable Power Of Attorney
Durable Power Of Attorney

Many things in life need to be decided in advance, but none more so than durable power of attorney. Why is this legal document so important? Because in it you indicate who will handle your finances and make decisions for you while you are of sound mind and body, or should you become mentally or physically incapacitated. This trusted individual is known as your agent.

Once you have decided to arrange for a durable power of you must choose someone whom you trust absolutely, how do you choose your agent? Since this individual will be stepping into your shoes to undertake as many or as few of your financial and property matters as you decide, attorney, who has the ability to manage money, and is at least 18 years of age. Moreover, you must set up a durable power of attorney while you still have the mental capacity to sign a legal document and to make decisions for yourself. Once you can no longer do this, it is too late to give anyone else the authority to do so. Your wishes regarding bank accounts, financial transactions or real estate dealings could be largely ignored or unknown.

Normally people choose a trusted family friend or legal advisor for their agent, spouse, member. What is crucial to note here is that if you would like your spouse to manage your affairs in circumstances foreseen and unforeseen, you must arrange in advance for him or her to have a durable power of attorney. Lingering in the mind of the public is the misperception that your spouse can automatically sign documents for you if you are mentally or physically incapacitated, but this is not the case. One of the great benefits of the durable power of attorney instrument is its flexibility and convenience. When your durable power of attorney takes effect and the powers that you grant your agent can be as broad or as narrow as you choose.

For but choose to give your agent power immediately because you would like him or her to act on your behalf if you are on vacation, you can be completely competent to manage all your affairs, example, out of the country, or sick. For a couple who moves to Florida to who is their agent, it is much more convenient to have their New Jersey-based son, retire, sell their New Jersey home. By the same whether you remain competent to handle your own affairs, you can grant your agent power that becomes effective only in the future, token, or not. In either case, the powers that you grant your agent are completely up to you and can encompass as many or as few tasks as you designate. Some of the powers that you can give your agent include the authority to sign pay bills, make deposits, checks, file tax returns, make health decisions (the subject of another article), sell property, or invest money. You can also empower your agent to hire individuals to manage your business and personal matters, whether it is as simple as lawn mowing or as complex as investment advising.

The only restriction is that your agent cannot write and sign a will for you, and his or her powers become void upon your death. Whatever powers you designate, you can also revoke at any time. How is a durable power of attorney different from a power of attorney that is not it would only become effective only upon your showing signs of mental incapacitation, and why is appointing a durable power of attorney so much more important to your future? If you were to grant a non-durable power of attorney to your agent, durable. This means that if you are physically incapacitated, your agent does not have the authority to act upon your behalf. As the following example shows, a non-durable power of attorney is not at all flexible.

When an elderly widower was hospitalized and physically incapacitated for several weeks, he was unable to rollover a CD and pay the premium on his life insurance policy in time. Because he had previously arranged for his daughter to have a non-durable power of attorney only, she could not carry out either of these tasks for him. She was neither able to take advantage of a new CD offer with a better rate, nor was she able to prevent the life insurance policy from lapsing. Had the father arranged for his daughter to have a durable power of attorney, she would have been able to act on his behalf in both of these matters. Finally, a durable power of attorney is much more affordable than the alternative: setting up a guardianship. If you have already planned for a and you become mentally incapacitated, durable power of attorney, comprehensive, the need for a guardianship is obviated.

Establishing up a guardianship can take months of court time and medical testimony, as well as costing thousands of dollars. whether in the present or the future, it is up to you and your lawyer to decide how to best ensure that your affairs, Ultimately, are managed according to your wishes. A well planned durable power of attorney can do just that.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is Pet Insurance or Rental Insurance Right For You?

If you are considering pet insurance or rental insurance you may have a lot of unanswered questions. Is rental or pet insurance worth the cost? What do they cover?

Or is it even necessary? Because pet insurance is not quite as well known as its human health insurance counterpart, you may have a lot of questions. The same may be true for rental rental insurance isn, whereas the necessities of home insurance are obvious, insurance't. We will take a look at both. Pet insurance, as the name implies is health insurance for your pet. With the costs of veterinary pet insurance makes a lot of sense, rising as quickly as human health care, care. and illnesses, pet insurance provides protection for your pet against accidents or emergencies, Essentially. The cost of pet insurance can vary widely depending on the type of plan you choose.

Just like health and a less comprehensive policy, if you have a higher deductible, insurance, you can save some money. In all pet insurance is rather affordable, when compared to human health insurance, actuality. For as little as $30 a month you can have a rather decent pet insurance policy. When it comes to utilizing your pet insurance policy it is quite a bit easier than the health insurance you're probably used to. You don't have to choose your pet's doctor off of an approved list.

This allows you to stay with the veterinarian that you are comfortable with. After services are and then the pet insurer reimburses you, you pay for treatment, rendered. What your pet insurance covers is based on how much insurance you have in place. If you have a comprehensive plan that covers everything from routine office visits to medications, you'll probably pay a bit more. So it's important to determine how much pet insurance you not only need but how much insurance you can afford. Pet insurance does have some issues that you should consider before purchasing.

Some insurers will provide limited coverage, which means you may be capped out at a particular amount. You may be restricted when it comes to seeing expensive specialists. Some dog breeds may be more expensive than others. If your dog's breed is more prone to a particular disease or problem, you'll pay more. If your pet is for obvious reasons, pet insurance will be more costly, older.

When buying pet insurance you will want to choose a quality insurer. Insurance companies are notorious for finding loopholes to get out of claims, when they are needed most. Not only do you want an insurer that will be around for you when you need them, but also you'll want them to cover what's needed. Saving a few bucks by going with the cheapest insurer just isn't worth the headaches. To touch on rental insurance briefly, we'll cover a few basics.

Rental insurance is much like homeowners insurance, in that it protects you when renting an apartment or a house. Many individuals go without rental insurance, thinking that it's their landlord's responsibility. This is not a very good approach. but not your belongings, the buildings structure is insured for your landlords benefit, Yes. Rental insurance protects your belongings from theft, fire and other natural disasters. And much like homeowners insurance, rental insurance also protects in the form of liability protection. This means that if a guest as an accident at your apartment or home, you won't be held responsible.

For this reason, many landlords are now making rental insurance mandatory. This provides them with the liability protection that they are looking for. Much like pet insurance, rental insurance is very affordable. We have seen rental insurance for as low as $15 a month. but in many cases, this is for a basic policy, Now, it gets the job done. Things like your and how much coverage, whether you own a pet, deductible, will affect your premium. Make sure to take an inventory prior to getting rental if you need to make a claim, this will help with any ambiguity with the insurer, insurance.

Also, the importance of understanding or policies features is a must. Have your agent or insurer explain any policy features or drawbacks that you may have questions about. And go with a decent insurance company that you can rely on.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mortgage Interest Rates Continue To Fall

This was the sixth week in a row were 30 Year mortgage rates fell or held steady. In the last 6 weeks 30 year notes have fallen from 63 to 35. This was preceded by a sudden jump in interest rates in July where 30 year mortgage interest rates rose from 26 to 63 between July 17th and July 24th. So while rates are little higher today than what we saw on July 17th they have almost fallen back to mid July levels. It's interesting to note that it took one week for rates to jump from 26 to 63 and six weeks of falling rates to get close to the July 17th levels.

This week we also saw decreases in all the other major mortgage products. The 15 year mortgage fell from 93 to 9 and the 5 year arm fell from 03 to 97. By far the biggest mover was 1 year arms which fell almost 1/5 of a point moving from 33 to 15. Below are rates for the 4 major mortgage products for the last few weeks. September 200830-yr 40 15-yr 93 5-yr ARM 03 1-yr ARM 33August 21, 200830-yr 35 15-yr 90 5-yr ARM 97 1-yr ARM 15August 28, 4, 200830-yr 47 15-yr 00 5-yr ARM 99 1-yr ARM 29August 200830-yr 52 15-yr 10 5-yr ARM 05 1-yr ARM 22Ok so what does this mean for a mortgage? Obviously ones mortgage would be lower with falling rates but by how much, 200830-yr 52 15-yr 07 5-yr ARM 02 1-yr ARM 18August 7, 14. Let's look at a 200k mortgage and using our free mortgage calculator lets fun the numbers based on today's rates. September 4th 30-yr $1244. 4715-yr $1676. 925-yr ARM $1195. 241-yr ARM $1092. 05August 28th 30-yr $1251. 0115-yr $1680. 155-yr ARM $1202. 961-yr ARM $1114. 33July 24th 30-yr $1281. 2815-yr $1707. 225-yr ARM $1219. 751-yr ARM $1134. 32So why have rates steadily fallen. I think it has to be based on rumors (which have now proven to be correct) that the federal government is going to takeover Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Basically the government takeover provides more assurance to banks that their mortgage insurance is going to be paid out in case of default. The declining fortunes of Freddie Mac spooked some banks into thinking their mortgage insurance was possibly worthless. So now banks are lowering rates because in their view the risk associated with the loans has gone down. So what do I expect to see over the next few months? I would be surprised if mortgage rates don't continue to fall now that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are owned by the government. The Fed has been trying to push down interest rates all year and now they have the means to do so (I think this was part of the motivation behind the takeover of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae). So does this mean investors?

Should they wait for mortgage rates to drop before buying? I don't think so. If rates continue to fall real estate prices could rise or at least I would expect to see less deals sitting on the market. Instead if you find a property to purchase I would watch interest rates and if they continue to fall I would try and relock your mortgage rate at the new lower rate. While I expect rates to fall something unexpected that spooks banks over the next month could of course push mortgage rates back up.

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